What human being needs to live…/

What really human being needs to live, to survive, where the life power comes from…? A lil bit informations about personal experience of Joachim M Werdin with breatharianism Watch the movie and find out. – you can turn on English subtitles Czego tak naprawdę potrzebuje człowiek aby żyć, przetrwać.. skąd pochodzi życiowa energia… w podanym linku znajdziecie video z osobistym […]


“There is a cure for cancer” – says Dr. George Ashkar in his book, whose translation into Polish was already released. George Ashkar in “Jelenia Struga,” talked about his author’s method of fighting cancer. For the promotion of this method in the United States was been punished. “I don’t heal, but just educate people, the method has no side effects” […]

Method of Domancic

The method of Domancic Bioenergy was developed over 35 year ago. It is unique in its simplicity and effectiveness, scientifically validated and practiced all over the world. It restores health of adults and children – when other means fail. [read more]