Image of the Creator
what the Creator is like in your opinion?
…in everyday life you can easily observe that people have a very distorted image of the Creator Himself, whom is indeed very difficult to describe in just few words, because of the fact that words hardly describe the spiritual reality… but if I had to describe the Creator with just few words, I would say that He is Love, Life, Wisdom and Consciousness.
But is this really how people perceive the Creator?
Not necessarily.
Let’s consider where such a distortion may come from?
Certainly, years of religious indoctrination had a huge impact on this, but… but who make up these doctrines and forces others to follow them? …people, people themselves create them and spread them at all costs
… on the other hand, those whom a certain doctrine is imposed to usually want to maintain it because it is more convenient for them for many different reasons.
Additionally, I assume that very few people truly wonder or meditate about the essence of the Creator himself as pure Love and Life and also how this pure Love and Life would or should manifest in everyday life. If they would meditate they would know better the essence of the Creator and the difference between His image and image of this world.
Unfortunately, ignorance prevails for now, because as I wrote above, it is convenient for many, …convenient not to think, no to ask question, not to seek…it is convenient not to know, because knowing brings responsobility of making own choices, and many people don’t like making choices. It might be stresful to be a grown-up.
…that’s why it is said that if you want to learn anything, if you want to expand your wisdom, you have to leave the comfort zone, you have to leave convenience zone, you have to leave blindness and ingorance zone…
…however you should know that going beyond the usual patterns may cause you some kind of mental, emotional or even physical pain, but I think it may be worth it…
it may be worth it to get to know better what true essence of the Creator is like.
It is always your choice which way you go.