A short comment on the current times…
Whatever I think and share here it is only my private opinion, and it is obvious to me that no one else has to share the same beliefs or convictions.
However, I would like to spread out few of my conclusions. After years of careful observation of my own life as well as societies, I have so far come to one basic understanding, that sums everything up:
Jesus was right.
Jesus was right.
In what? – In everything.
When you think about it more carefully, you realize that indeed it is true you cannot win peace with war.
Righteousness cannot be obtained by force.
Natural health cannot be obtained by chemical means.
And it is impossible to teach people conscience or spirituality through written laws.
Because nothing good that comes from the Source of Love can be obtained in any imposed or forced way. It must flow naturally from within the being, from one’s need and awareness development of oneself and the universe.Only by practicing Love we build/bring and strenghten Love in the environment.
Because nothing good that comes from the Source of Love can be obtained in any imposed or forced way. It must flow naturally from within the being, from one’s need and awareness development of oneself and the universe.Only by practicing Love we build/bring and strenghten Love in the environment.
Only by practicing Consciousness we build/bring and strenghten Consciousness in the environment.
Only by living in the Light we build/bring and strenghten the Light around.
You might be looking for a ready-made solution… ideal, perfect solution that’s going to fix all your problems. But honestly saying, I don’t think there is even one person that could give it to you. Why not? Because what ever they say, no one is in your shoes really and besides this everyone has a different view of what the life should look like and what solutions are best. And everything that is always based on completely different experiences, feelings and traumas.
What to do then? How to live with today’s social and political situation?
If you would ask me, I would say that the best and the most sensible solution is for people to unite…
yes, you read it right…unite… act together, helping each other.
Even one neighbor to another… It would be good for people to build groups that trust each other, support each other, help each other… you know what I mean, like: I’ll paint your wall for you, you’ll fix my bike, etc.
Everyone always has something to offer. Though sometimes we forget that or even believe we don’t have anything to share with. That is just not true. Even if you have nothing else, you still have you yourself. You can offer to be all ears and listen, you can offer to be all eyes and read, you can offer to hug, to understand to be close… that’s not nothing… that’s more than money can buy. You can offer your frienship, your kindness, your time, your support, your heart and many many more…
Unfortunately for years now, we have been living by cutting ourselves off of families, friends, love, closeness, for we were seeking for privacy. Today though it seems like it won’t work well for the survival of people as a species. It may sounds like an exaggeration but if you dare to look broadly and far enough, you will see claerly how this can lead to the collapse of societies.
Of course, from a spiritual point of view, it doesn’t matter for an individual soul, what’s going to happen to this material world. For the soul itself the most important thing is to rely on itself, regardless of social relations. individual souls will save themselves regardless of what happens on earth.
But for the survival of the human communities the most important thing is a mutual, collective, team work. Acting for the community, based on what I can give, what good I can leave behind, what I can do to make someone happy, what I can do to build/strengthen my social group… and not how I can take, steal, use…
So, yes, I believe that people, collectively should simply return to normal life.
There are only a handful of people in power, and their tool of power is the fear of their subordinates.
However, if subordinates stop being afraid… then what tool of power will the rulers have in their hands…?
none… the priority for every human being should be learing to live with love, because where’s love there’s no fear.
…but there is only one condition to make it work for the whole human race… we have to unite and do it massively and collectively… supporting each other… for individual souls will save themselves regardless of what happens on earth… but to safe human race we have to stand up together, in love, truth, support, understanding…
Will people come to this understanding?… I don’t know…